bunny in a beret

Friday, August 01, 2003

Mind numbing, back shiveringly, head-thumping-on-floor boredom and fed-up-ness. Dear me, grandma is driving me round the bend !!! completely!!!!!!! ARGHFGHGHGH!!!!! but I contain myself, imagine myself doing similar things when I'm old, and keeping quiet. "Oh I do like what they've done with that fence, they don't just have poles of same sizes you know, but of different sizes, some tall, some short, 'ts to stop caravans parking there you know -Yes third exit on this roundabout- terrible things caravans, although we had ours for how many years was it..? Must have been -I say, Left here!-" And so she continues, it was acctually the 2nd exit we wanted, but that slipped notice, so I have to quickly dodge into the exit which I have almost passed. Then I am warned of corners, speed limits, junctions, lights, anything, except for when she's talking about fences for 1/2 hour.

This may not seem too bad, but it's not a very good example. It's not her fault, I know she's old and her husband has just died (which she's fine about) (-but I do see her point of view on that, he was beginning to suffer more, and it was a nice way, and I don't think she really liked him that much anyway) but she is driving me potty the way she is quite sexist, and nasty about some things, and racist, and impossible. urgh. How long can I survive with no *what's the word...damn, forgotten it.* people my age, anyway. We are apparently coming back next wednesday perhaps, stopping off in Boston, lincs (where I was born by the way) to see friends, and where my cousin has newly moved to.

In the meantime, I miss Judo and Climbing, and friends, and the shop/working, rabbit, family (other than my mum, cos she's here) and having things to do.

Although! I will be going Ice skating tomorrow I think!!!!! HOORAY!! j'aime bien.

This is not exactly riveting to read I'm sure, but bare with me, or don't, 's up to you. hope to be happier soon, a bientot.

(P.S. I know I have it in me to create a good mood, I could just look on the better side, and make myself happier, but that would be trating the symptoms rather than the cause, so I can't be bothered. I just need exercise and less bloddy food. (People seem to take pleasure in feeding me.. " Potatoes dear? Cabbage? Lamb? Gravy? Spinach? Carrots? have some potato salad won't you? finish this of won't you dear" do I have a choice I ask myself, and as soon as we've finished lunch, dinner's in like, 2 minutes. urgh. grrr.)


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