bunny in a beret

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yiddely Ho kids!

(here is a photo. It is of me Laurie and two house-mates of next year - Jack and Rich! Hooray for the future!)

I'm here, in my room. It's a quarter to one in the morning. See, I have only been out of bed since nearly five pm.. so I'm a bit unsure as to when I should go back to the land of nod...

Thing is, I feel capable of things of the fairly active variety, but being the time it is, no-one else is I think. I did go down to Platt Fields Park earlier though, and did some stretching and cartwheels, and watched people feeding the many varieties of bird life by the lake. Swans really are very beautiful.. (-:=

The reason, by the way, that I only woke up at 5pm today is that it was 'Missing' last night, and that meant I only got home at 6.30ish, and after painting a picture and making my bed, bed at 7. Oh I had such a nice sleep... Lots of very real and very entertaining dreams. The stories are so intricate and detailed, and I can actually feel the feelings as if I was there, in that position. It's very interesting, definitely keeps me very entertained during sleep.

Missing was good.. It wasn't as good as the first time I went back in February though. There was a bit of a weird atmosphere, or 'vibes' as Lauren would say. I felt very normal, and as if I should really just be in bed at that time of night, I didn't feel very excitable at all. But then I found the Drum'n'Bassssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh it was good.... and there I stayed till it ended with Alisha. Love it Love it Love it, man.

When it finished at 4.30, me and Alisha were the only ones left of our group properly.. The two Hannahs, Lauren and Dan had gone to 'Ed's' Because they were either feeling (dare I say it..?) slightly bored or tired, or not very well. Me and alisha popped by spar, and I bought a chocolate bar with 50p I had in spare change that I designated to be spent there and then. We pottered back to Alisha's halls.. which were soooooo cooool! The views are amazing.. and the run rising too! Very cool.
I left her at.. half five-ish, maybe. And made my way back to mine. It was (and usually is) always a slightly eerie and bizarre experience walking home when things are beginning to wake up again. I do like the difference to normal human hours, but I think I'll try and avoid doing it much more when in manchester. Mainly because Hannah would actually kill me, and also because it was a bit creepy.
Being brought up in such a calm, safe, and beautiful area.. I'm very prone to being a bit too much on the naiieve side of things.. and often end up potentially being too trusting of human kind. I forget that people can actually be dangerous even.. I'm very glad I came to uni in a city, I've learnt SO so very much.. and I like being able to balance knowledge of how things work both in the countryside and cities.

I only have a bit over a week left here!! How bizzare.... soon it'll be back at home, none of my uni friends around.. no busy city, no easy transport, no peak district climbing, no thursdays at the pub, no buying my own food, no clean room (heh..). Hmmm.. I think it will be ...erm... different.

I love drum'n'bass.

I'm feeling kindof sleepy now. Maybe I'll find some Sex and the City and snuggle up under my quilt.

That's me done I think. erm.. .. yes. It is an interesting time.


Yeah man. xx