bunny in a beret

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

God isn't it borning when no-one blogs regularly?

Inc. me. Exc. Emi.

Hooray! This week I'm concentrating on:

My evil side.

It hasn't seen day light for too long now, and I think I'm digging myself into an image of fluffy girly daisies and cute things. Argh!
Of course, this excludes home stuff. (Hence the day light part. I am sufficiantly balanced at home. Well. Maybe. But that isn't the point here.)

So, I've decided to focus on a bit of swearing every now and then, some trousers, no bunches (hair), and some nasty comments about people - in a joking way of course.

This may work. But it may also never happen. We'll see. Tomorrow I will shrug off my frilly skirts and don my pink flares. Hmm. With a death metal old t-shirt....? Ok. Maybe not my pink flares. And the nearest thing to a death metal black t-shirt I have is my old "joseph and the technicolour dreamcoat" t-shirt.

Now, does that say something about my true self?

Let's hope not.


I didn't buy it by the way, It was a hand-me-down from my cousin.

Hmm. Chickens. Yeah I know, I've read and seen a few things about what macdonaldscumfaces and-the-like actually do. It is pretty horrible. To say the least. And I don't eat macdonald-snotheads. But I can still keep it out of my mind- being a non veggie and all. When I do eat meat, it is either in college in a roll, or bought by my food-buying-mother from either a butchers or... tesco. *sigh*. I am weak. If I was sensible and had will power I wouldn't eat it. But then in line with my "stop being a frilly girl, you girl" phase, I have to do more things that could quite possibly shorten my life, but make it more fun. Like jumping off things, crossing roads infront of oncoming traffic, and eating meat. Although that's not really quite a relevant 'argument' seeing as it's the animal welfare that is the main problem with eating meat; not that it's more fun or I might hurt my leg doing it. (although it is more fun. But it could be equally as fun not doing it. But think of barbecues, staying at people's houses, parties, and scotch eggs for the fun side of things)

Hmm. I think I'm becoming more vegetarian-state-of-mind. Damn. Thinking about why I am not a veggie:I am arriving to fewer and fewer arguments. The main being: I have no will power. So being veggie wouldn't last long. Anyway. I'm quite happy as I am at the moment I think. And you can still be a non-vegetarian who rarely eats meat. Better than being a naughty vegetarian who often eats meat. I think. .

Hehehe... I've probably wound up quite a few lovely people now. I hate arguments like vegetarianism and fox hunting with dogs that neither side will ever relent or open their mind to the others' side. Well, I like to think some do. Hahah., more people wound up!

Speaking of fox hunting, I had a dream last night. About fox hunting. As it happens. Me and Emi were going through this forest (not deciduous unfortunately) and then it occured to me we were there to find or catch up with something, so I cleverly looked accross (we were on a bit of a bank) and saw the trees below us moving. So I took the initiative to go towards it (hooray for inititive!) (heheehe heheh heee).
We got roughly to the right place, and out ran a fox from another row of trees! We ducked down and watched as it ran one way - heard the huntsman apporaching-then turned and ran the other way - towards us. The huntsman (no red jacket..) promptly emerged from the trees, spotted the fox (who was looking a bit cartoony really) pointed towards him, shouting behind him to the others.
The only problem here was that the path our way was a dead end, thus, the fox had just trapped itself between some kind of a forestry wall and it's enemy.

Oh no! So I jumped out infront of it- so as to guard it from what I suppose were hounds. So me and Emi were inbetween this cartoon-like fox and a huntsman in a brown jacket (complete with baler-twine I think) whom we knew, I think.

And so it ended. This seemed to be a dream of some kind of unconcious revelation. But, I'm against fox hunting as it is, so it was a bit wasted really. I woke up feeling slightly surprised and having 'seen the light' ..about nothing! damn. Maybe that was just a warm-up for tonight and a dream that will bring me into the vegetarian way of life. Who knows.

I do love dreams. Every single moring I wake up with a new bundle of vivid story lines floating around in my head. How joyous!

I have to return now, to the land of cup-a-soup packets arranged on the floor; supermarket trolleys being pushed around (we are 20 minutes walk from any supermarket here); huge wire welded shapes hanging from inbetween cabins, and burning bits your stuff is called work. Hooray!


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Damn.. the whole thing isn't pasting in. Oh well. I would apparently and accurately predicted vote plaid cymru. Jolly good.
Labour -6
Conservative 1
Lib Dem 41
Green 45
Plaid Cymru 58

But what about the Monster raving loony party? Now why don't we have a candidate that I know of round here? ukip smells. (boys smell too sometimes)
Hahah. Boys.
Me and Em spend hours last night dying our hair! wooo! what a girly teenage thing to do. Greatness. the peroxide looked coool. But mine's on the back so I can't actually see if it's now visible now it has henna over it. Ah well. Must go now, see you all (-:=
