bunny in a beret

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Yo yo buddies, & Happy day to you Katherina-la-fille-a-dix-huit-ans au-jour'd-hui!!! (well...erm...y'know, by "au-jour'd-hui" I mean yesterday really..)

Hey, I've just read Emi-doos bloggee and it's groovee. How true, and it makes much sense. I think similar things often (and sure most do).

I went to my Auntie Jan's 50th Party this sat/sun in Pembroke. It was lovely. We did folk dancing (which I haven't done in a while..but was so fun!!) and a bit of beach walking (not enough in my opinion) and we slept in tents and it was cool. Nice to see my family.

Jan is doing a round-the-world (the wrong way) sailing race for a year soon!!! It's amaaazing! she's also brilliant at doing 'quilt' type things.. They're really beautiful. And she's jointly made a huge quilt of lots of different patches of the places they'll visit, jan's global challenge A year!! round the world on a boat!!

Mostly at the moment, like many of my peers, I'm doing revision. People keep moaning about this and the joke-of-the-month is sarcasm aimed at how fun revision is. But I quite like it..Depending on the subject of course (My prefered is biology) I find it fun.. All you have to do is experiment with the many different forms of memory intake, like images (my prefered obviously..colour is a must also), sound (tried that), stories (works well), writing(the most normal and boring-ist and least working one for me), sticking things round the place (mine is the fridge at the mo), mind maps, motions to the words (like hand movements), and assigning objects (or words) to places on a journey or your house (Derren Brown used that to pass his GCSEs in a department store with penguins I remember). Anyway, I like pictures with colour and stories. Oh and motions. And that way I enjoy doing it! I love to doodle and run about the place pretending I'm Organic Nitrogen in the Nitrogen cycle! And it slots nicely into my brain just fine, (well..to an extent). Yay. Breaks help too I find.. then I can come back to something.. I like it anyway like that. Much more interesting.

(sorry but this bit is all a bit 'me me me'.. you don't have to read through it all, mere thoughts on screen)

I've begun to realise how much I need other people around me.. I have once or twice tried to revise or whatnot at home when the rest of my family are working or whatever. It does my head in!!! My thoughts implode and the minutes and hours stand still.. like mud.. sludgy dark thick mud which you can't see through. I need a) structure to the day..which other people provide, b) human contact )-:= (I do like my fellow species) and c) ..oh I forgot what this one was..umm..there was somehting else.. ah well. you get the point. I need people!! In the film "Castaway" I like to think I'd be one of 'em surviving types, that lasts for years with only a bloody football to keep me company, and manages to live till their one handred and five years old to tell their tale. Nope. Me? I'd have internal compustion of my mind within half a day. And if not I'd adapt to another species and learn to use them as the contact I need. -I'd like to think something romantic like a dolphin..but I'd probably end up making friends with a crab or pet dead fish. (maybe that wouldn't work..) I might even follow a clan of Turtles sweeping through the open waves...ahh....

(-:= hehehe. Back to reeeality then. And reality is: 11.07pm, and I've decided to go into school to revise tomorrow, even though I have an exam on tuesday. This is because school offers structure and human contact, and no-one's at home. And I'm not going to the shop -like I'd get any work at all done there. I spose I could go to someone's house.. but most will be in school I think.. maybe..either because they have and exam or because of some weird natural phenomenon of still having lessons? no..could it be?

au revoir mon amis (I think I will be french one day) C *


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