bunny in a beret

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Hellooooo there people of the abyss. Nice to see you! (to be said in an optional irish accent)

I've been on another little adventure! (I almost called it a mini adventure..but that, I think is unapporpriate, seeing as it's nothing to do with minis, and it was roughtly 700 or so miles worth of journey..so it can't possibly be mini. Little will do fine.) Well, this time I went on this expedition with Bethy and Emily and even Bryony! up to Hull to see family and friends and stay with my grandma in her new house.

It was a nice trip, there was a couple of times when we all got a bit irritable-but no-one got killed and we soon got over it. We had chinese takeaway on the sea front (it might as well be the sea..but anyone 'in-the-know' will know it was the humber river we were sitting by..) And we went bowling with lots of friends and cousins, and Ice skating for 3 hours (ahhhhh yummmyyyy ice skating..) and watched Eternal sunshine of the spottless mind which I did quite like, despite my cynical pre-judgements about american films. Having just dyed my hair the other day I now want to change it. I almost considered dyeing it blue for my birthday in February but didn't. Maybe now is the time! ..or green..hmm..

We also went out and got bored so left my cousin on his own and found somewhere else much better..until like 2am. That was kindof fun, nice exploration but could have been better fun. Good learning experience anyway.

I went swimming in the sea!! (this time I mean the sea) at 9.30 pm!!! yay! I was so chuffed. swimming at night in May, in a rough-ish sea that was lovely and warm (I don't mean tropical here..I do mean british temps so it was only relitively warm) but very sandy. Ahhhh that was nice.

We....had dinner at my auntie and uncle's house..walked a bit..took some photos...lounged around in the sun a bit.. y'know. The usual nice stuff.

Now.. hmm..I'm bored, I've revised biology for two days and I want some people around me and some entertainment. I don't even know of any parties this weekend! *gasp!!* what am I going to do?!... wait till next week's charity gig! -I can't wait that long!!

Ah well. maybe I'll just concentrate for a while and get these pesky examinations out the way, now wouldn't that be sensible.. only problem is I'm 18 and I find that hard. I just end up thinking about other things! I wonder when you stop this and start being able to concentrate on things other than human survival instincs.

Why is it I become more and more noctournal in the holidays?? even when I have to get up at sensible times I still end up going to sleep at monkey dust hours. (Anyone with good taste and BBC3 should know what rediculous times this brilliant show is on)

Night for now brilliant people!!!


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