bunny in a beret

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


I feel I should contribute something to the atmosphere of change I sense approaching, people leaving, people preparing for this, or that, working for their final-whotsit-or-other, final this, final that. But I don't like to be all "OoOo I'm going to miss it blah dee blah" And talk in the sense of closure and evaluation. Like a tech project or something.
In my own way I've been doing stuff. Without using the words associated with the "blah dee blah" and soppy-ness. I've been making little video clips of my day in sixth form today. Which consists mainly of lots of wobbily shots of danny, Emily and even Kathy today. Hehe. It's been cool, especially as today it turned out I had zilch lessons (hehe funny word), so I spent my time hanging about in the common room. I did a teeeny bit of biol revision which I was quite proud of.. "The first step to re-learning is always the hardest.." as of course I always say... (?). I also watched some of the video that was hanging around: "The Handmaid's Tale" (for the A level English people)which was interesting... but I'm not sure if I would grant it "good", it scared a few people, bored some, and attracted others (due to some pornographic content -all relevant to the plot of course..). At lunch I had dinner with Emi, Danny and Sam, then walked round outside with Danny as Emi had band practice. (Hehehe- me and danny were getting her attention while she was playing her Sax which was funny).

I so want to remember things. I love to find little things I've written, drawn or made from when I was younger. It's one of my favourite things. I also never throw anything away (it really is a pretty bad habit sometimes.. I have SOOOO much 'stuff' it's unbelivable). I'm making a nice little metaphorical pile of things that I can look back on and remember how it was being 18. It's nice. Seeing all these film clips of people in school, when I'm like.. 50 years old will be so cool. (Assuming I'm still alive of course). ahhh. Change is certainly in the air.

Au revoir pour maintenant x Charlbun (-:=


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