bunny in a beret

Saturday, May 01, 2004

This is a blog to say hello to Bethy, wherever she may be in this world. (-:= Instead ..no.. along with Emailing. Hello!

I'm soooooo knackered and tired it's amazing. I have been having less and less sleep... more and more school work..with bits of msn until 2am squeezed inbetween.

Today, for example.. (except this isn't a good example because it doesnt involve any school work..it should, but i had no room for it..literally this time.) starting from roughly 8pm yesterday perhaps. Got a lift with Samantha to the resevoir, met with others then went miles and miles round the bendy (but familiar to me) scary roads to a place where we stopped and walked down to by the water and put tents up (heh..all 2 out of 6 of them..for 14 people (-:= ) we collected wood n stuff, drank some alcohol, Joe cooked us dinner on the fire -complete with evil chilli-pepper suprise on random burgers, Hmmm. VEry Strong it was too-Even Danny says so. er...Heheh Adam (w-g) nicked Raymond's seat..so ray..having been drinking since 11am got rather annoyed and all "I'm gonna kick your ass" and so while they were rolling around on the floor threatning to relent only if the other gives in.. I happily nicked the seat.

There was guitar playing..there was Bongo playing..there was Raymond passing out...there was chocolate nicking..there was gaffa-taping.. Adam and Raymond falling out and Raymond ripping up his trousers-which belonged to Adam anyway..there was adam and raymond being friends again and much rejoicing..there was Raymond being discovered and rescued from down some bog/ditch thing not in a good state...Raymond being propped up by the fire to warm up and dry out...someone found dome trousers for him...there was random people attending out group of about 14 all shaking with the effect of lets-not-ask-what. or rather.. lets-not-buy-what-they're-offereing. After about..3 hourse someone asked collectively who these people were, and it turned out no-one knew. Which was quite fun (-:= They left at some point too.

The only thing about 'leaving' was that this was literally in the middle of no-where..you have to drive to get anywhere unless you want to be where the sheep roam free. And the only thing about driving around there is that it's hard.. The roads are reeeeally windey reeeally narrow and have reeeeal steep cliffs at the edges..down into lake. So the 'leaving' of this said 'party' often meant alcohol and these scary roads. Which ...is quite scary.

At about midnight me and Sam decided seeing as 'rob' was driving back past my house (ish) we could go back with him and sleep indoors on a bed (in my case, my bed..which is worth anything) and the other plus side was that then I'd be able to get to work and therefore get money (much much needed) and help my dad out (much much needed due to the infamous Brecon freak lightning strike last week). Adam (w-g) on the other hand couldn't get to work because he stayed by the lake (which is a cool thing to do too, it's just I live Relitively close..almost) and I was tired. Heh. He missed his driving lesson too. hehe.

So..at 2 am we eventually got off to go. That was after a bit of: Bike riding down pitch (yes pitch) black steep forest slopes (swoon!) (not me by the way..whoever was riding the bike) ..danny passing out briefly... raymond trying to get some food, and taking a great bit log out of the fire to see what he was doing..setting some stuff alight in the process... a bottle exploding in the fire (heh) ...I got a melted bottle out of the fire..which everyone thought was "cooooool" heh. ...me danny adam and sam going back up (to where the cars were parked) all holding each other up which was fun. and eating chocolate there.... flicking lights on and off in the van... and other stuff.

Wo we went. fast. (eek) (see description of roads above) it was scary. but we got home.. just. I had to climb up a ladder to knock on my mum's window to ask her nicely to open the door because my dad had locked it and left the key in (which is customary). She was kindof awake anyway as I'd seen her light on when we were walking down our drive. We drank lots of water, moved some of my mess so Sam could use the make-shift spare bed. And then we slept. galdly.

Then this morning we got up to leave at 9ish, dropped Sam off on the way then worked worked worked -soooo hard!! one of the busiest days I remember. I think it would warrent the exclamation "gosh". Sooo many millions of modems that had been blown up from the single enourmous shaft of lightning that hit mount street and the phone lines last week. We don't even make much money on modems anyway. pfft.

Then..to please my mum I went with her to see a ballet of all things. It was quite interesting, and much to my surprise I didn't fall asleep. (!) That went on from 7.30 to 9.30.

Then we drove miles and miles to pick up my sister from her friends house, because she went to Badminton horsey-thing. And I drove back.

And here I am...almost dead with tireness. Yet I still insist on resisting sleep in favour of...talking to my friends and blogging. (whatever am I thinking?)



I have a 12 hour art exam tues thurs and fri next week. And do I know what I'm making ??? NO!!! damnit.

I have a 3000 word drama essay thingy due in last friday to finish. I have already done a couple of thousand words though. Even if it does take me a paragraph-an-hour because of all the cleverness and research involved.

I won't mention the Biol practical paper. It'll give me nightmares.

I went to the orthadontist the other day .. bit weird. I went because I have too many teeth and not enough room for them )-:= If i want I can have it all ...'fixed'. it'd take roughly 18 months..but I'd have 4 less teeth..more room in my mouth..and a brace for ages. but it's only 18 months altogether.. and my teeth are only going to get more crowded if i leave it. It's just ...I like my smile ..I quite like my teeth... think of the things that would be weird with a brace... hmm. In my year of art foundation course too... Oh I dunno. I'm too indecisive. I need a hug.

I also need some sleep. I'm close to death-by-lack-of-gorgeous-lovely-yummy-sleep...mmmmm..sleeeep....

I might go and eat another banana though. Anyway.. see you heheeheh oh and if Beth does read this.. I got texted today by friendly strangers no.1 and 2. (well.. one really) heheh made me giggle. heheehh . heh. heheehh. heheeh. ANyway! night!


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