bunny in a beret

Friday, February 27, 2004

I thought I'd write something. I've been reading some of my old stuff, from the summer and stuff, and it's funny some of the stuff I forget.

My head, my head. It's hard but fun being 18 now, confusing. My poor head decides on one thing (pretty hard to do) then one little word from someone can make it flip round and make me feel all unhappy..when i was previously happy. Then I can't decide what I want, and when you know that stuff begins to be funner again. Ohh I don't know. One or two little words...all it takes...

Ice and Snow dammit. spoilt my plans. Ok, so I've had a couple of days of school, but what's so bad with school..my friends are there, I have relitively interesting lessons..? But the stuff I was quite looking forward to might & has been prevented by it. An interview for the art foundation course cancelled, which I quite wanted to get over with. Going out tonight, going out tomorrow, Hmm.

I should go to sleep now..My mind is -again- in the state of transitional thrown out of settled-ness. So is basically unsettled. hmm....ah well, sleep will sort everything out. If I wanted, my concious mind could do it itself -sort things out I mean, but my subconcious needs a bit more than just telling what to do. I can't force my subconcious, I can only nudge it, then sleep on it, when it'll get everything in order.

Ok, despite a 39% download, I think I'll go, I have to somehow get to work tomorrow, which'll mean walking down the steep hill in the cold icy morning and attempting to drive all the 30 miles (or whatever it is..probably more than that) to the shop. I also have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow night..me and friends are going to see a band, but I probably won't be able to get up the hill when I come home..due to ice..and I'd Reeally rather not walk up that hill at a silly hour of the morning..hmm. we'll see. Go with the Flow type thing.

Night x x *kiss*

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

My birthday day. 18. Today. Nice day, spent it loosely shopping with my dad who had the day off (!) and then going out for food with family and Emi and Bethy. My dad insisted I have a beer now I can legally..hehe..(-:= I've had a nice day, got nice stuff..saw nice people. I'm happy. People seem to think it weird and like to say how different it must be to be all grown up etc. hmm.. 'meh'.

Yay. another 18th birthday tomorrow, everyone's having birth aniversaries! (-:=

Monday, February 02, 2004

WoooooooooHooooooooo!!!!! Yay! yay yay yayayayayayayay yay! I'm sooo exited!!

My 18th birthday party is now arranged!!!!!!! it's an 18th / valentines party on the 18th of Feb, wednesday of half term! Anyone nice that wants to come can!!! (-:= Last weekend was sooo much fun too, I'm so happy! yay yay yay yay! *swoon*... But now I'm living in it's shadow.. )-:= ..and my party is brightening it up!!!

anyway, I've been on msn tooooo long and my shoulders hurt from talking to all my nice friends asking them to come, and friends that i don't really know all that well.. (-:= anyway, end of me for tonight. x x