bunny in a beret

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Latest update on my situation.. = yay, it's kind of offical (-:= I'm happy again.

sorry if I haven't made any sense for the past....um...while... but y'know.

Anyway, now that's sorted (for now) back to life! hmm...lets see. . .Drama practical tomorrow at 2pm-ish. I have 5 characters in three 15min plays... and I keep muddling lines up and getting annoyed at myself. I hate the feeling that I'm letting others' down. -Even though of course Joe and Aled forget lines too. We're all quite equal really.. in most ways. Aled does have a thing against trying anything adventurous, new or different, and his ideas are kindof mainstream and normal, whereas Joe has all the radical good ideas, the things that a) move our work along, and b) make our work ..er..work. And me? I kind of fit in between.. I actually often find myself subconciously agree or disagreeing for the sakes of drama-class-politics..i.e. compliment fishing from mrs. mitchell. i.e. popularity. i.e. if i disagree with aled's idea..I'd be on Joe's side...and Joe's pretty dominant so that's a good idea to start with, and so mrs. mitchell often does what Joe suggests. So basically then I end up on the 'good team' and so forth.. but that's nuts. (Except for 90% of the time Joes ideas are best and so it all works out in the end.) But anything I do disagree with I often do say, but I lack the skill to back them up.. words aren't definate enough and I don't specify properly and besides, verses Joe and Aled (and Mrs mitchell) I have little chance. But there we go.

That same un-definate-ness and vague descriptive qualities I have, have made me seriously think about giving up the A2 part of the A Level Geog I'm presently doing. (i.e leaving it at an AS level). This is uncharacteristic of me, since I have my mum's genes which provide me with get-up-and-go and do-well-ness and try-everything and dont-give-up-for-the-sake-of-being-lazy and adventurness. [ I don't even think I described that well. hmm. ] Anyway.. What brought these thoughts on was mainly my (infamous) Geography PROJECT (arrrghghghg!! run!, run while you can!) which ..um... having my father's genes..caused me to leave right to the last minute.. (ok ok..technically 2 days after the last minute) which meant I had no time in that last rush to do anything else for any other of my 4 subjects.. so I got annoyed with it.
The other thing about A2 Geography is that the exams are essay question ones (I think anyway.. I'm not that great at paying attention to these kind of things..) and guess what I'm reeeally not good at?!?! (ok except for everything i've just mentioned) ESSAY QUESTIONS!!! For AS Geog I got an 'A' (it's a fairly easy subject..that's why I'm doing it partly) but for the geog exam I did in Jan I got a 'D' (guess which was the essay question paper..) So I worked out I didn't want to bother continuing with a crappy subject that I know however hard I try I'm only going to get crappy grade that i'm not happy with. -While bringing down my other-more important- subjects by using up the time. But sensibly I have kind of decided to carry on after all because Joe pointed out in drama, a 'D' in A Level is worth more than an 'A' at AS. ..Only thing is I do like the feeling of telling people I got an A rather than a D....s-:= which is a kind of shallow way of looking at it.

Oh geog is such a boring subject sometimes. Such a boring lesson too. I'm going to become the naughtiest in the class soon by missing lessons and not doing work set and stuff. HAHahaHahHaHAah --I just realised...I AM!!! hahah funny. I'm the one (out of 6 of us) who handed their project in a weekend late.. and didn't try very much for it, and occasionally does miss lessons (from now on it'll be more)..and rarely does work set (if it's essays). heh. I used to be one of the 'good ones'. Which is probably why I get away with so much. (-:= heheeh.. it makes me smile.

Being one of the 'good ones' in the teachers' eyes is a good idea on the whole I have concluded...I can get away with quite a bit more than one who is seen as a bit of a trouble maker..or at least someone who is seen as someone to keep an eye on, like my super-duper good friend Danny.. who I hang around with quite a bit, when making forts in the common room out of large cardboard boxes or being late, not wearing the right uniform, or not going to assembly (ok..so who does now a days) or whatever, Danny would be told off for it where I would be overlooked. My uniform is merging into something I want to wear now, insetad of the specified items.. hehe.. I'm the only one in the school who wears a flowy knee-length flimsy skirt, (we're supposed to wear short black unpleated tight ones) and a navy hoodie from camden town my mum bought about 23 years ago. (ok the camden town bit doesn't have much relevance...) bit it's not supposed to be a hoodie or be navy.
-Or maybe I'm being a bit too biased...I dunno. Maybe it's what I'd like to think.

Oooops... it's an hour after I came online...nearly 11pm.. I have to be getting to bed ready for my drama concentration-needs tomorrow. sigh. (*thinks* must get: fake blood,..shirt,..Dr. Martins, hair grips, gel, hat thingy, and buy a hair brush...)

see you and eat lots of apples and fruit..only things with no disadvantages I think.. (along with veggies and water of course).

*kiss* (-:=


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