bunny in a beret

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Hey Hey (-:= In my true blog alternation of happy/sad updates, I'm now happy! I had a good time at Danny's 'do' although at one point I got a bit solitary-feeling, but there we go. Although the next day after going to sleep roughtly at 4 a.m..waking up not much after, having waffles then driving Beffy home, going home myself, back down to danny's for a bit, back to Kath & Janie's then off to see Davy in hospital, then back to kathy's and drawing with pete, then back to bethy's for a bit of giggling, then home and then to msn then bed! -was equally as fun!

Things are on the whole going well...well actually they're going pretty normal but I've been around giggly and nice people more and I'm just enjoying stuff. It's basically fun. (-:=

Heheh...My sister's got a horsey magazine by the computer, and while waiting for the internet and msn to come on I glanced through the first few pages..hehe they're funny, and so biasted! Here is a selection of funny bits from the magazine cleverly named......."HORSE" :

(hehe..the name itself makes me giggle... heh..)
"horses rescued from sinking ferry" (heheeh)
"Farriers unite" (I thought there was only like two..and they're both called kevin...aren't they...)
"Pictures of the british country side in the 1970s and 80s show little ragwort in the Uk. today, however there seems to be few places the plant doesn't flourish.
One of the main reasons is that, in most parts of the country, verges are no longer sprayed. While it is sometimes claimed that this is for environmental reasons, to prevent non harmful plants being affected, it may often be a case of spending cuts.." -excuse me? just because ragwort kills horses a bit if silly people let them eat it... has it occured to you... "Carloyn".. that it is for environmental reasons!!! you're horse will be ingesting all those chemicals you crappy-head! "sometimes claimed" -god it is better not to spray. GRR silly person.
It then goes on to say how good this plant is at surviving and how there's not antidote for horses and how evil the whole world is except horses and their owners and everyone should be shot and sprayed. -well something to that extent.

Oh I'm so tired and achey and my head hurts... so terribly worn out.. I'm going to finish this later. see you all *mwah*


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