bunny in a beret

Monday, March 01, 2004

Me agen. quite happy, but putting full stops after single phrases, which isn't always good in my mind. Anyway, Last night!!! I went to see "MY RED CELL" !!!! "One of the most important new bands of 2004" says NME, and how right they are! wow. They are so brilliant live, I was mesmorised! My Red Cell My Red Cell My Red Cell My Red Cell !!! I've told too many people about how me and bethy ( Bethy) went to the tour bus with lead singer Russel got stickers then came back, and we got everyone's signature and I got them all to draw faces too, and we were backstage for a while too. So I won't say it all again. *swoon* me and bethy might even go down to Cardiff when they're there next...y'know..be the complete cliched 'groupies' who follow them around.

I have just realised....after however many days off school because of snow and ice and crappyness like that I should have done some school work..i.e. geography..hmm..that put a brief spark of fright into me..seeing as it's my work, and if i don't do it, it's my head that will fall (-but more importantly I have to show her what I've done in lessons sometimes..ahem..)

Also I've discovered..I am officially a yogurt-covered-raisins-aholic. People give a packet to me, because they know I like them...but I can't help but eat them! yes! all of them...luckily they're not big packs..but you don't need much yogurt covered raisins or bananas or apricots to make you feel sickly. Urgh. My mum brought me some back from my parents weekend away, and consiquently I then felt yucky and had hiccups (?) and I vow not to do that again. yurch. But they're sooooo nice! I can stand not eating chocolate fine...yeah whatever, alcohol, fine, anything other people find hard to resist..I'm fine..it's just yogurt/chocolate covered raisins and such like!!! ARGH!! evil.

oh...there's home made bread too.. I always feel it's a waste to not eat it when its warm and soft.. and if it's not warm and soft I pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and it is! heheh naughty bread.

I'm probably not writing very well tonight.. not that I'm a 'writer' or anything.. I'm just not paying attention and doing other things, so if sentences start and end funny don't worry man.

Where was I..hmm.. MY RED CELL.. yes.. Ice and Snow...kind-of yes, um..what else have I done.. or thought.. hmm the other day I had an interview for an art foundation course, but that was the 26th, so I might have written it in my previous post..and if I havent..well seeing as it was cancelled it doesn't matter anyway.

I woke up at midday today, which I was dissapointed in. I'm always dissapointed when I waste that much day light., 11 is ok...but 12...hmm. 2 is even worse! I have to stay up half the night afterwards to warrant getting up at 2 and therefore having spent enough time awake to make it worth while to sleep.
Um... I hope thats not too confusing. Heh. so what if it is.

Then I watched Donnie Darko until 2pm something. For the second time it still doesn't effect me. It doesn't strike me as an amazing film. Yeah it's quite cool, but not brilliant. And Drew Barrymore as that teacher is dodgy, and so is the therapist, and the way they say "cunning-Ham" and..everything else.

I will stop now, mainly because I think I'm waffling and also because I haven't much more to say, and the 'thought's I do have to say require too much thinking to be bothering with now.



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