bunny in a beret

Thursday, May 22, 2003

I thought for a change from the daily hubbub of normal routine, I'll post about our chicks. So you can all get attatched to their little personalities, and I can kill them off (only in my blog) to make you feel reeeally bad..or maybe I won't..heh heh. (feel free to think of names for them) = : - D [I can just imagine what some of you would suggest..hm....]

Anyway, We had a chicken. This chicken is one of 3 chickens and 2 cockerels, who love each other very much, and decided to have little baby chickens and cockerels. This resulted in 2 chickens jointly having 5 chicks, with the two fathers, and the other chicken laying her eggs (on her own) up on a high ledge/beam. So 1/2 the eggs that were precariously lodged up high, were brought down by human hands and put in an incubator.

Then randomly the chicks hatched...one fell off the beam, survived, was found, and got taken to my dads shop to be looked after closely...ahem..and that is where it stayed, as Kelly, (who works there) as become chick-down-blouse attached to it.

A few hatched in the incubator! whoohoo! and one by slimy wet drowned-rat-looking one the chicks were
dried off and put into a cardboard box with a lamp over it. Where they begin to peck each others feet
and pull them over (with the pecked-foot), and chase each other round franticly and knock each other-rather fataly-into the water lid/tub.

And then theres the ones who died; One started to hatch, poked it's beak out, then lost the energy and will to get out further. One got 1/2 helped out, but also lost the energy and will to flop out of it's compact shell, and went cold and still. And one was perfectly normal, hatched ok, lived for a day, then mysteriously just..died, weird really.

And another three fell off the ledge. Two were put back up by my sister, and one was brought in, due to being damaged slightly. It leans on one side, and can't walk quite, and has apparently a small chance of a future..but we'll try. It presently has been put in it's own box (quite a privilege) because it can't be put in with the others, because it's a) too small and b) in danger of having something pecked off.

Oh and one of the older 5 from the double parents has..dissapeared, most people's favourite one, due to it having more yellow on it. I, on the other hand am not biast, and don't have favourites just because they're prettier, I think they are all equally as evil as each other.

Those are are chicks. I think I'll post details of deaths, and ..any other occurances.

So tune in next time for the latest squeaks and
mumbles from the mouth of your local orangoutang!


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