bunny in a beret

Friday, May 23, 2003

I'm so happy today cos I've just got home and guess who's still alive?!?! little lop-sided chick!!! hooray!! im getting acctually quite attached to this little one now it keeps surviving! The other lot are all fine aswell. (-:=

I've just come back from demonstrating my "lateral thinking" as my mum described it, answering 3 questions in the geography paper, when you were only supposed to answer two /-:= ah well!! all that has come out of it is having a rather achey hand, because I managed to finish practically, anyway!! (and I noticed in time for the second paper!)

Off now to get ready to see the renowned brilliant mr. d brown!!!!! and my renowned friend-type-people at the elitist, selective ********star hotel of the Davies'!! thanks kathy!!


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